Microxenoliths of
metosomatized spinel lherzolites in dunites from the Guli Pluton
Panina L.I.
Sobolev Institute of
Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Fragments of microxenoliths
of spinel lherzolites have been found for the first time in
phlogopitized dunites of the alkali-ultrabasic carbonatite Guli Pluton.
The Guli Pluton (Vasiliev, Zolotukhin, 1975; Egorov, 1991) is localized
at the border of the Siberian Platform and Mz-Kz Khatanga trough at the
joint of the most active detachments during the period of the Early
Triassic cycle. The pluton is surrounded by volcanites of several
formations consisting of basalts, trachybasalts, trachyrhyolites,
ultrabasic foidites, alkaline picrites, and meimechites. Among intrusive
rocks ultrabasic ones make up 70-80% of the outcropping part of the
pluton. Dunites are traced as arcuately curved belt extending for more
than 40 km with an average width of 9-10 km. They are splitted by late
stock-like intrusions of alkaline rocks and carbonatites. Among dunites
there also occur bodies and dykes of olivine melanephelinites, picrite
porphyrites, and meimechites. Dunites unlike olivines from other massifs
of the Maimecha-Kotui province normally contain chromospinelides and
clinopyroxene. The amount of the latter in places increases to 20-30% of
rock volume, providing a gradual transition to peridotites which form
schliere-like segregations in dunites.
Olivine, being the main
rock-forming mineral of dunites and peridotites, accounts for 95-70
vol.% of rock and forms solid monomineral aggregates. Its grains are
anhedral, poorly elongated or isometric. In peridotites they are
corroded and do not have clear borders. The size of grains ranges from
hundredth of microns to 3-5 millimeters. Olivine is quite often replaced
by serpentine. Clinopyroxene fills the interstices between olivine
grains, is anhedral, and in places replaced by phlogopite and/or
brownish hornblende. Chromospinelides – Cr-, Ti-bearing magnetites –
form rounded segregations and small patches up to 1-3 mm in diameter and
are nonuniformly distributed in the rock. Grains of chromite, less
often, small plates of ilmenite are in close association with them.
Microfragments of spinel
lherzolite xenoliths found by us are slightly melted, vary in the form
of segregation, size and mineral composition. They are fine-grained
aggregates from fractured grains of spinelide, orthopyroxen,
clinopyroxene, serpentine and other minerals. Cracks diverging from
these aggregates are common. The simplest microfragments of xenoliths
consist of Cr-spinelide core and numerous surrounding sharply angular
grains of orthopyroxene with the same optical orientation (fragmented
microcrystals?). Aggregations of chromospinelide grains have rounded,
partly faceted irregular shapes, with maximum sizes up to 50х80
μm. The size of orthopyroxene grains varies from 0.5-1 to 10-15 μm. The
most complex segregations besides Cr-spinelide core and orthopyroxene
grains also contain anhedral fractured grains of clinopyroxene, olivine,
and laths of phlogopite, added by single grains of albite, serpentine
and, less often, barite, calcite and chalcosine (fig.). No definite
sequence of segregation of minerals relative to Cr-spinelide grains was
observed. Most often orthopyroxene grains are confined to one of the
side of Cr-spinelide, whereas clinopyroxene grains and laths of
phlogopite - to the other one. Only in one case we observed a consistent
replacement of Cr-spinelide grains by ilmenite, and then by grains of
orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and phlogopite. The grains of phlogopite,
serpentine, albite, calcite, barite, and chalcosine tend to the
peripheral parts of the mentioned segregations and, likely, belong to
the products of metasomatic processing of lherzolite xenoliths.
Microxenoliths of metosomatized spinel lherzolite in olivine from
dunites of the
Guli Pluton (reflected
The chemical composition of
minerals from lherzolite xenoliths markedly differs from the composition
of the same minerals in dunites and peridotites. For example, in olivine
the maximum (91-89%) content of forsterite component was found in
dunites and regularly decreases to peridotites (Fo=85-83%) and
phlogopitized dunites (Fo=83,1%), dropping in the closest vicinity of
lherzolite xenoliths to 81-82%, and in xenoliths, to 80 %. In a reverse
direction changes the amount of MnO in olivines: from 0.19, 0.2 to 0.33
and 0.36, 0.43 wt.%, respectively. The maximum content of CaO (0.75
wt.%) are typical for olivine of peridotites, and the minimum (0.08-0.02
wt.%) – for phlogopitized dunites and lherzolite xenoliths. The content
of NiO in olivines varies from 0.35 wt.% in dunites to 0.18 wt.% in
peridotites at intermediate values in phlogopitized dunites and
xenoliths. The concentration of Cr in olivine of hyperbasic rocks in
general equals hundredths of a percent but in olivines of xenoliths it
increases to 0.2 wt.%. Clinopyroxene in peridotites corresponds to
diopside composition. It contains (wt%): 1.8 Al2O3,
1.5-1.8 TiO2, 0.1-0.4 Cr2O3, to 0.1 MnO
and 0.4-0.7 Na2O at Mg# = 86-87%. Clinopyroxenes from
lherzolite xenoliths belong to subcalcic diopsides, have low contents of
Al and Ti, low Mg/(Mg+Fe) value (83-84%) and elevated concentrations of
Na2O and Cr2O3 (1.2 and 0.5 wt.%,
respectively). Orthopyroxene from lherzolite xenoliths belongs to
bronzite and has a persistent composition. Its Mg/(Mg+Fe) value is
82-83%. The mineral contains low amounts of TiO2 and Al2O3
(0.11 and 0.17 wt.%, respectively), to 0.5 wt.% CaO, 0.1 wt% Cr2O3,
and 0.6 wt.% NiO. Chromospinelides in dunites, peridotites and
lherzolite xenoliths are enriched in Ti and Cr, and have increased
contents of Al and Mg and marked contents of Mn. In xenoliths they are
richer in FeO (76.8 vs 65-65.6 wt.%), Cr2O3 (10.8
vs 5.3-7.1 wt.%) and poorer in MgO (2 and 4.8-6.6 wt.%, respectively),
Al2O3 (1 vs 2-3.4 wt.%), TiO2 (2.2 vs
12.5-10.3 wt.%), and MnO (0.3 vs 0.6-1 wt.%). Ilmenite in lherzolite
xenoliths in the content of TiO2 (52.5 wt.%), FeO (39.2
wt.%), MnO (1.5 wt.%), and MgO (5.5-5.8 wt.%) is similar to ilmenite
from porphyric peridotite but contains more of these components than
that from phlogopitized dunites but less Cr2O3
than that from peridotite (0.14 vs 0.51 wt.%). Phlogopites in lherzolite
xenoliths compared to phlogopites from dunites have higher iron contents
(Fe/(Fe+Mg) = 26 vs 20%), more TiO2 (6.2 vs 3.7 wt.%), and
are enriched in Cr2O3 and NiO (0.52 and 0.17 wt.%,
respectively), whereas phlogopites from dunites lack Cr and Ni, but
contain up to 0.3 wt.% BaO. Serpentine in xenoliths belongs to the
variety with high content of Fe. Unlike that in dunites, this contains
more SiO2 (41.9 vs 39.4 wt.%), FeO (12.5 vs 3.9 wt.%), MnO
(0.21 vs 0.05 wt.%) and CaO (0.51 vs 0 wt.%) but considerably less MgO
(28.4 against 40.9 wt.%), Al2O3 and Na2O.
Barite and albite in xenoliths have a standard composition but calcite
in addition to Ca contains 0.9 wt.% FeO and 1.4 wt.% MgO.
Thus, lherzolite xenoliths
differ from dunites and peridotites not only in the presence of bronzite
but also in the chemical composition of the same minerals. That is: in
xenoliths compared to intrusive ultrabasic rocks olivine has higher iron
content and has more Mn and less Ca and Ni; clinopyroxene also contains
more iron and less Al and Ti but more Na; Cr-spinelide from xenoliths
contains more Fe and Cr, but less Ti, Mg, Al, and Mn.
Finding of microfragments
of xenoliths of metasomatized spinel lherzolites in olivine of dunites
from the Guli Pluton evidences that ultrabasic rocks were formed with
participation of mantle peridotites. Primary spinel lherzolites,
probably, underwent mantle metasomatism. The agents of the latter, as
suggested from the presence phlogopite, albite, calcite, serpentine, and
barite in xenoliths, were fluidized alkaline carbonate-silicate melts
rich in water and SO4 and possessing oxidizing properties.
Afterwards, metasomatized spinel lherzolites, most likely, underwent
cataclastic (dislocational) metamorphism, which caused fracturing of
rocks and, apparently, their melting. The high-magnesian composition of
parental ultrabasic meimechite magmas was, obviously, the result of
interaction of melts from metasomatized lherzolites with the minerals of
harzburgites. Most likely, alkaline silicate-carbonate metasomatism,
dislocational metamorphism and melting of spinel lherzolites resulted
from the ascending of a highly heated plume.
A similar point of view as
to the origin of meimechite magmas was earlier suggested by I. A.
Ryabchikov and coauthors (2009). The authors think that primary
meimechite magmas resulted from partial melting of fertile lherzolite in
asthenosphere and further interaction of produced melts with
harzburgites that were enriched in incompatible elements as a result of
infiltration of diapir melts of low degrees of partial melting.
This work was supported
by RFBR (grant 11-05-00283a)
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