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Рудный потенциал щелочного, кимберлитового

 и карбонатитового магматизма

Abstracts of International conference

Ore potential of alkaline, kimberlite

and carbonatite magmatism

Albitites of East Azov area (Ukrainian Shield)

Morgun V.G.

M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NASU



Albitites of East Azov area were observed in the career Dmytrivka (Fig. 1) and gully Tunikova. According to some petrographic and geochemical data, we have reason to believe these albitites the products of final stages fenitization.

First of all, it must consider these albitites for potential ore.   Characteristical accessory mineral in albitites orf Dmytrivka is zircon in high quantities (Fig. 2), often pyrochlore i bastnesite sometimes brytolite, these minerals determine the increase in the values ​​of Ce, Zr, Nb. In some area are rich occurs in molybdenum mineralization [1]. As a secondary mineral in albitites was identified perrotite [2] and minerals astrophillite-kupletskite group, which contain as isomorphic impurities in high concentration of Zr Nb. [3] Elevated levels of ZrO2 (0,5%) are in aegirine. In addition, in some amphiboles Dmytrivka was an increase in zirconium content (0.12-0.5% ZrO2). Also we can marks that in the same sample during the description of thin sections were observed in significant amounts, and self-zirconium mineral – zircon.

Albitites of gully Tunikova characterized by a high content of Zr and Nb and geochemically similar to albitites Dmytrivka. Although they are not marked minerals astrophillite-kupletskite group. Consequently, albitites Dmytrivka career and gullyTunikova. may have the practical interest


Fig. 1 Albitites of Dmytrivka career



Fig. 2 Diagrams of the relations in the Zr-Nb in fenites East Azov area. PG – Petrovo-Gnutovo ore occurrence; Kalmyk - gully Kalmyts’ka; Ch - gully Chernecha; Tun - gully Tunikova; Khl - Khlibodaravka career; Ver - gully Verbova; DMX - outskirts Dmytrivka career; KL - v. Kaplany; DM - albitites Dmytrivka career


To characterize and compare the major components in fenites, country rocks and albitites Dmytrivka career (because albitites of Dmytrivka have a much greater spread than albitites gully Tunikova) provides the following diagram (Fig 3). With decreasing silica content significantly increase of sodium and calcium in albitites comparison with the granites and apogranitoid fenites Dmytrivka career. Also in albitites number of aluminum slightly increases. This indicates carry-over silica, due to which the percentage number of sodium and aluminum in the rock increases.





Fig. 3 Diagrams of the main components in metasomatites apogranite albitites and country granites Dmytrivka career. (ДМ-1, ДМ-5 - the country granites, Дм-13, Дм-14 Дм-15, 99-2A - K-Na-fenites, Дм-10a, Дм-11, ДМ-4 2007 albitites, Дм -9, Дм-10 - Ca-fenites


1.                         Mikhailov V.A., Shunko V.V. New type of molybdenum mineralization of Ukrainian Shield. – Reports of NAS of Ukraine, 2002, № 6, 137-140 p. (in Russian)

2.                         Pekov I.V. & others. New data about perrotite (Azov area)// Notes of All-Russian mineralogical society – 1999, №3, 112-120 p. (in Russian)

3.                         Kryvdik S.G., Sharygin V.V., Morgun V.G. Minerals of astrophillite group in Azov area, Ukraine. – Materials of  XXVIII International conference. Moskow-Minsk 2011, P. 105-107. (in Russian)