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Тезисы международной конференции

Рудный потенциал щелочного, кимберлитового

 и карбонатитового магматизма

Abstracts of International conference

Ore potential of alkaline, kimberlite

and carbonatite magmatism

Мelting of garnet-bearing carbonatite of Tromsø area, Norvway

N.S. Gorbachev, A.N. Nekrasov, A.V. Kostyuk, D.M. Sultanov

Institute of experimental mineralogy RAS, Chernogolvka, Russia



In connection with the problem of the genesis of carbonatites at T-P of upper mantle (950-1450 º C, 3.8-4.0 GPa) studied the melting of garnet-bearing ultra-high pressure carbonatite UHPC Tromsø area, Norway in "dry" conditions and with H2O+CO2 fluid.

Experiments were carried out in the IEM RAS on the "anvil with hole" in Au and Fe-bearing platinum capsules using a quenching technique. The temperature is measured by a Pt30Rh/Pt6/Rh thermocouple. At high temperature, pressure is calibrated using a curve of balance quartz - coesite. Uncertainties are ± 10ºC for temperature and ± 0.1 GPa for pressure measurements. Duration of experiments were from 6 to 18 hours. Products of experiments were studied by PC-controlled scanning electron microscope Tescan VEGA TS 5130MM with detector of secondary and backscattered electron on the YAG-crystals and energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer with semi-conductor Si(Li) detector INCA Energy 350.

Temperature T "dry" liquidus UHPC ~ 1270 º C. It is established full miscibility between silicate and carbonate melts. At quenching carbonatite melt the mix of microlites of variable composition, from the carbonate-silicate to silicate-carbonate is formed.

In the range of T 1250-1200ºС with carbonatite melt garnet Grt co-exists. This garnet differing from initial garnet UHPC by absence of zonality, higher content of CaO, TiO2, lower Al2O3, FeO.

Temperature "dry" solidus is ~1150ºС. In the range Т from 1150 to 950ºС near soliduse and subsolidus associations are presented calcite Сс, garnet Grt, clinopyroxene Сpx, flogopite Flog and accessory minerals - apatite Apt, ilmenite Ilm, rutile Rt.  

In experiments with Н2О+СО2 fluid temperature liquidus goes down to 1250ºС. At Т=1450ºC, Р=4 GPa stratification carbonatite melt on highly and low-carbonate-silicate liquids with graphite allocation was observed (fig. 1).




Fig. 1. Stratification carbonatite melt on highly and low- carbonate-silicate liquids with graphite allocation: microphoto an composition of the quenching carbonatite melt sample. 1450ºC, 4 GPa.


In range T=1250-1150ºС with carbonatite melt the zonality garnet co-exists. Its reactionary border in comparison with its central part is enriched  in FeO, MgO, MnO and depleted in . CaO, TiO2, SrO (fig. 2). Zonality of garnet testifies to interaction of carbonatite melt with garnet at which the reactionary garnet is enriched in CaO, TiO2, SrO.




Fig. 2. Microphoto and composition of the quenching sample with zonality garnet. T 1150ºС, Р=4 GPa.


Zonality of garnet testifies to interaction of carbonatite melt with garnet at which the reactionary garnet is enriched in CaO, TiO2, SrO.

At melting of UHPC with Н2О+СО2 a fluid temperature solidus goes down to Т ~ 950ºС. At Т=950ºС, P=3.8 GPa carbonatite melt co-exists with Сс, Flog, Grt, Cpx, Apt. At increase Т up to 1050ºС the portion of carbonatite melt increases, disappears Cpx, on liqudus present Сс, zonality Grt, Flog,

Results of experiments testify to formation characteristic for UHPC associations a carbonate-zonality garnet in the range of Т =1150-1250ºС.


This study was financially supported by RFBR grant 09-05-0113-a, 12-05-00777-a.-