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Тезисы международной конференции

Рудный потенциал щелочного, кимберлитового

 и карбонатитового магматизма

Abstracts of International conference

Ore potential of alkaline, kimberlite

and carbonatite magmatism

Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of plagiogranite in the Yesilova ophiolite between Yesilova and Tefenni (Burdur, SW Turkey)


Selcuk University, Department of Geological Eng, Konya, TURKEY



The Yesilova ophiolites represent the western part of the ophiolite belts of the Taurides, SW Turkey.  They mainly consist of mantle-derived ultramafic tectonite and cumulates, with crustal rocks consisting of isotropic gabbro, diabase, plagiogranite and sedimentary rocks.  The plagiogranite forms as irregular pods and netveins within intensively altered cumulate gabbro at the top of the cumulates.  The felsic rocks are composed predominantly subhedral plagioclase (mostly albite), anhedral quartz and minor amphiboles in a hypidiomorphic granular texture.  At places, granophyric texture (intergrowth between feldspar and quartz) is also observed.   The ocean-ridge granites (ORG) normalized multi-element spidergrams of the samples exhibit uniform patterns, with pozitive Ta, Nb, K; and negative Ba, Ce and Sm anomalies.  The primordial mantle normalized multi-element spidergrams are also characterized by existence of positive U, Nb, K, Pb, Zr; and negative Ba, La, Ce, P, Eu, Ti anomalies.  The REE pattern of the granite is similar to basic component of the complex, displaying slight LREE depletion, and mild HREE enrichment.  The plagioclase fractionation in the felsic magma is evidenced by existence of a medium negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu: 0.40-0.51). They differ from the well-known ophiolite plagiogranites with having relatively higher Ta, Nb; and  lower  Ba and Ce contents as well as higher  K2O/Rb ratio. Accordingly, the samples plot onto the field of “within-plate granites” in various geotectonic diagram based on their immobile element contents. Moderate K2O content and A/CNK (molar) ratios in the felsic rocks show similarity to that of continental trondhjemites.


Keywords: plagiogranite, trondhjemites, ophiolite, Yesilova, Turkey