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Abstracts will be accepted in English in the form of rtf - file. Additional abstract in Russian are welcome for the Internet-publication. Volume of abstract (including heading, pictures and tables) should not exceed 2 pages А4 (all fields are 2 sm) with single spacing.

Conditions of abstracts design:

  1. The title of abstract - 11 size, bold, justified on the centre.

  2. Authors - Surname and initials, 11 size, bold, italic, justified on the centre. Affiliation of authors should be indicated by "*". If all authors work in the same organization "*"- don’t marked. The lecturer name must be underline.

  3. Affiliation – the name of organisation, city and country - 11 size, italic, justified on the centre.

  4. E-mail of presenting author

  5. Please, leave one line empty between affilation and main text.

  6. The main text – 10 size, paragraph space is 1 sm, usual font, on width. Using the styles for text formatting is not supposed.

  7. Tables should be typed in Word, copying of tables from Excel is not supposed.

  8. Pictures (vector or raster) should be simple and give the accurate image at ordinary black-and-white printing with 300 dpi. Pictures should be located in the text of abstract and additionally attached in jpg or gif files. We are strongly not recommend to use foto- or cartographic materials in abstracts.

  9. Acknowledgments of support foundation - if necessary, in the end of abstracts, italic.

  10. References.

Example of abstracts design:

Isotopic signature of the Siberian flood basalts and alkaline magmatism of Polar Siberia

Kogarko L.N.*, Zartman R.**

* Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry, Moscow, Russia; ** Harward University, Harward, USA.



A close association between alkaline magmatism and continental flood basalts is observed worldwide. Nevertheless, the problem of a genetic link between the Siberian flood basalts (SFB) and the ultramafic-alkaline rocks of the Maimecha-Kotuy province in Polar Siberia is still being debated.


This study was financially supported by RFBR grant 07-05-00385-a.



Kapustin U.L. Mineralogy of carbonatites. Moscow: Nauka, 1971. 288 p (in Russian).

Ahijado A., Casillas R., Nagy G., Fernandez C. Sr-rich minerals in a carbonatite skarn, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands (Spain) // Mineralogy and Petrology. 2005. Vol. 84. P. 107-127.