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Тезисы международной конференции

Рудный потенциал щелочного, кимберлитового

 и карбонатитового магматизма

Abstracts of International conference

Ore potential of alkaline, kimberlite

and carbonatite magmatism

Petrology and ore-bearing ability of Vysokopolie structure in the Krivoy Rog Iron Ore Basin

Velikanov Ju.F., Velikanova O.Ju., Donskoy N.A.

Semenenko N.P. Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine



Vysokopolie structure is represented by a fragment of synclinal fold of north western direction which is located among granites and migmatites of dnepropetrovskiy complex and is composed of sedimentary and volcanogenic formations. Metabasic-ultrabasic rock assosiation on a plan looks like a stripe 35 km long roughly and 1.5-2.5 km width. Ultrabasite rocks compose tiny bodies from 100 m to 2.5 km long and from some meters to up to 300 m high. Host rocks are amphibolites, amphibole schists, gneisses, plagiogranites and migmatites.

Ultrabasite body detected by drill hole #20572 is intensively altered by secondary processes, such as serpentinization, silicification, amphibolization, carbonatization, talcization, chloritization. It consists of antigorite serpentinite in central part of the body and serpentine-carbonate-talc schist in edge parts.

Mineral composition of antigorite serpentinite: antigorite 40-50%; carbonates: magnesite dominated, dolomite and calcite are from individual grains to up to 10%; amphiboles: actinolite and tremolite 15-20%; chlorite 5-7%; relict olivine 10-20%; magnetite 3-10%.

Serpentine-carbonite schists are represented by antigorite and chrizotile (5-10%), carbonates (15-50%), talc (5-70%), chlorite (1-3%), magnetite (up to 7%), relict olivine grains occur.

Actinolite-tremolite schists are almost monomineralic rocks. There are merely small quantities of chlorite, carbonates, and magnetite.

Chlorite schists actually consist of chlorite. There are small impurities of actinolite, carbonates, magnetite.

Petrochemical characteristic of the massif is based on 10 chemical analyses calculated.

Average value of F/M coefficient is 4.3. It varies from to 3.4 to 5.2.

Average value of femic component, b, is 47.78%.

2c coefficient varies in a range 7.2-14.3%; average value is 11.09%. The rocks of the massif are serpentinised. Serpentenization coefficient, h, varies from 20.7 to 44.2%; average value is 29.5%.

According to virtual mineral components ratios of the massif ultrabasic rocks’ compositions the orthorhombic pyroxenes slightly prevail: virtual component y varies from 29.8% to 62.2%

Magnesium coefficient, KM, is 75.44%; ferruginosity one, KF, is 21.16%; alkalinity one, KA, is 0.40%.

Thus, the petrochemical coefficients of ultrabasic rocks studied allow attributing these rocks to basic magma derivates or ultraferbasites according to N.D. Sobolev classification (Sobolev, 1959).

The petrochemical components’ values for the rocks of Vysokopolie massif are comparable to petrochemical characteristics of ultraferbasites of Buh region (Fomin, 1984).

In ultrabasites of the massif TiO2 content varies in sufficiently wide range from 0.21 to 0.73%. Alumina content is 5.83-10.85%. It confirms about high alumina of generous magma, not high pressure and temperature conditions during magma’s establishing period (Vaganov, Sokolov, 1988). Total iron abundance varies in 7-12% range. Generally, Fe2O3 predominates over FeO. MgO content is 20.37-24.42%, CaO 4.43-10.3%, K2O 0.12-0.73%, NaO 0.15-0.72%

According to petrochemical coefficients by N.P. Semenenko (Semenenko, 1963) ferromagneousity of ultrabasites is comparably high (FМ is up to 74.09 %). Alumina content and calcium one are 20 and 18% respectively.

In accordance with petrochemical coefficients and discriminatory diagrams the rocks studied are on peridotite’s and gabbro-peridotite’s fields.

Main ore elements of ultrabasites which are prospective for exploration are Ni, Co, Cr and Cu. Most of them are concentrated in impurity form in magnesium-ferrous silicates, general rock-forming minerals. As well they are in sulfides and magnetite. Sulfide minerals are represented by pyrite, pyrrhotine, chalcopyrite, pentlandite, cobaltite, cobalt-pyrite, which form fine dissemination of different intensity or intersecting veinlets.

Ni-mineral is pentlandite. Minerals containing nickel are pyrrotine (up to 0.8%), serpentine (0.1-0.6%), talc (0.06-0.4%), magnetite (0.08-0.3%), actinolite (0.003%).

Nickel raised content associates with zones of serpentinization, talcization and carbonatization where ore elements concentration is observed, as well as sulfide mineralization.

In talc-containing rocks the Ni content is a bit less than in the serpentinites. It is 0.0n%. It maybe caused of nickel containing sulfides and magnetites in these rocks are less than in serpentinite.

According chemical analysis in serpentinite the cobalt content is 0.003-0.3%, in actilnolite-tremolite schist is 0.001-0.006%.

Considerable amount of Co is scattered in ferrous-magnesium silicates. Co content in serpentine is 0.01-0.023%, in talc is 0.005-0.012% and in amphibole is 0.001-0.06%. In magnetite the Co content goes as far as 0.015%, in pentlandite is 1.5% and in pyrite

is 0.1-0.2%.

In some locations chrome content exceeds its abundance ratio for ultrabasic rocks in 2-3 times but is not a prospective one as for exploration purpose. According chemical analysis the chrome content in serpentinite on some intervals is 0.51-0.8%, in actinolite-tremilite schists is 0.18-0.31%. There is only chromite of peculiar Cr-minerals. It composes a fine dissemination of rounded grains. Chrome is also concentrated in olivine (0.18%), antigorite (0.04-0.1%), talc (0.1-0.2%), magnetite (0.6%).

In ultrabasites of Vysokopolie structure copper is sufficiently wide-spread but its distribution is not regular one. Scattered copper mineralization is identified in serpentinites; copper content is 0.07%. In actenolite-tremolite and chlorite schists the copper content doesn’t exceed 0.0n%. In magnetite the copper content is 0.01-0.02%, in olivine is 0.001-0.003%. Characteristic feature of high copper rocks is disseminated sulfide mineralization and intersecting sulfide and quartz-sulfide veinlets.



Fomin A.B. Geochemistry of ultrabasites of the Ukrainian Shield. Kiev, Naukova dumka. 1984. 232 p. (in Russian)

Semenenko N.P. Metamorphism of flexible zones. Kiev, NAS of Ukraine, 1963. 258 p. (in Russian)

Sobolev N.D. On petrochemistry of ultrabasic rocks // Geochemistry. 1959. P. 979-695. (in Russian)

Vaganov V.I., Sokolov S.V. Thermobarometry of ultrabasic paragenesises. Moscow, Nedra, 1984, 1988. 150 p. (in Russian)