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Тезисы международной конференции

Рудный потенциал щелочного, кимберлитового

 и карбонатитового магматизма

Abstracts of International conference

Ore potential of alkaline, kimberlite

and carbonatite magmatism

Characteristics of fluid components in the alkaline magmatic systems, participating in the formation of the Konder platinum-bearing ultrabasic massif (Siberian Platform)

Simonov V.A.*, Prikhod’ko V.S.**, Agafonov L.V.*, Kotlyarov A.V.*, Kovyazin S.V.*

* Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russi

** Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics FEB RAS, Khabarovsk, Russia




To examine ultrabasic platinum-bearing massifs, problems of hyperbasite genesis are of great importance. Up to now, there are different viewpoints on participation of magmatic systems in the genetic processes. Special attention is paid to the formation of ore components. Most authors who studied original platinum mineralization in ultrabasic massifs suggest a significant and leading role of fluids in the transfer of precious metals and formation of their ore congregations.

The investigations carried out enabled us to detect melted inclusions in chromospinellide from the dunites of the Konder and Inaglinsky platinum-bearing massifs (southeastern Siberian Platform) that is a direct evidence of magmatic systems participation in crystallization of the ultrabasic rocks. The analysis of the compositions of heated and hard-tempered melted inclusions shows that the studied ultramafites originated from picritic magmas. High magnesian inclusions in their basic components are equivalent to data on biotite-pyroxene alkaline picrites, pointing to an active participation of ultrabasic alkaline magmatic systems in the formation of the Konder and Inaglinsky massifs (Simonov et al., 2010, 2011).

To ascertain the peculiarities of fluid components in the alkaline magmatic systems, taking part in the formation of the Konder platinum-bearing ultrabasic massif and to solve the problems of the volatile components effect on the distribution and accumulation of precise metals, the chromatographic analysis was used.  The samples (selected in 2011 in the inner parts of the Konder massif) were tested with gas chromatography by using earlier published methods (Osorgin, 1990; Simonov, 1993) at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk. Volatile components were extracted from monomineral fractions (chromites and olivines) with the help of step-type heating in the helium atmosphere. Low-temperature gases (isolated up to 400°C) were not considered. High-temperature gases (isolated at 1000°C) which are most probably similar to endogenous syngenetic fluids were followed in further constructions.

Compositions of fluid components in chromospinellide (and in associated olivines) from different-type chromite manifestations in the dunites of the Konder massif, such as accessories, relatively rare impregnation, abundant impregnation, small schlieres, large veins, and a chromite lens with apparent platinoids, were examined with the use of high-temperature gas chromatography.

Investigations of monofractions from the studied chromite manifestations by scanning microscope (IGM SB RAS, Novosibirsk) revealed that chromospinellide from schlieres, lenses and veins are the most platinoid-enriched minerals. Vein chromites contain isoferroplatinum, Os sulfides, laurite, ferronickelplatinum sulfides. The chromite lenses and schlieres include isoferroplatinum, native Os and Pt in association with monazite and zircon. The first paragenetic mineral association is typical for most high-temperature systems, whereas the other one is common for low-temperature systems.

The analysis fulfilled by gas chromatography displayed the lower water content (0.2-0.29 wgt%) and carbon dioxide (240-360 ppm) in platinoid-enriched chromospinellide from schlieres and veins, as compared with the accessory and impregnated chromites which are depleted in precious metals – H2O (about 0.3 wgt%) and CO2 (about 680 ppm) respectively.  In general, there is established a distinct direct correlation between water and carbon dioxide contents in chromites and olivines from the dunites of the Konder massif.

A substantially greater role of H2O relative to CO2 has been elucidated in platinoid-enriched chromite-olivine associations (H2O/CO2 = 8.1-10.6), and also obviously increased contents of reduced volatiles (H2+CH4+CO + 280-760 cm3/kg), as compared with depleted ones (maximum H2O/CO2  to 7.6 and 33-177 cm3/kg). Accordingly, the first are characterized by low oxidation of fluids (dominantly about 40%) in relation to the second, practically fully oxidized volatiles – 70-90%.

The results of the chromatographic investigations on the chromites and olivines of the Konder massif are substantiated by our earlier obtained data on the Kempirsaisky hyperbasite massif in Kazakhstan (Simonov, 1993), which indicate positive correlation of Pt with  H2O/CO2 and a direct relation between Pd and Os with high values of the reduced volatile components. Thus, accumulation of platinoids in the chromite schlieres, lenses and veins of the Konder massif was favoured by an increased role of water, as compared with carbon dioxide (high H2O/CO2 ratio), and also considerable contents of the reduced gases and accordingly low fluid oxidation, participating in the formation of noticeable chromospinellide congregations in the dunites.

Comparing the obtained compositions of volatile components in the chromospinellide of the Konder massif with the data on the chromatographic analysis of chromites from other ultrabasic complexes of Asia (Siberia, Far East and Kazakhstan) one can note that these compositions are most similar to the fluids from the chromites of Koryakia (ultrabasitic massifs of the Krasnaya and Chirynay Mountains).

This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project №12-05-00959) and Project DES RAS №2.




Osorgin N.Yu. Chromatographic analysis of a gaseous phase in minerals (methods, apparatus, metrology). Novosibirsk, 1990. 32 p. (Preprint/ IG&G SB Acad. Sciences of the USSR, No 11).

Simonov V.A. Prtogenesis of ophiolites (thermobarogeochemical investigations). Novosibirsk: OIGGM SB RAS, 1993. 247 p.

Simonov V.A., Prikhod’ko V.S., Kovyazin S.V. Formation conditions of the platinum-bearing ultrabasic massifs of southeastern Siberian platform // Petrology. 2011. V. 19. No 6. P. 579-598.

Simonov V.A., Prikhod’ko V.S., Kovyazin S.V., Tarnavsky A.V. Formation conditions of the Konder platinum-bearing ultrabasic massif (Aldan Shield) // Dokl. RAS. 2010. V. 434. No 1. P. 108-111.