2011 |
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Тезисы международной конференции |
Abstracts of International conference |
Shtoockoye copper- porphyry fieldess in hibabissalision intrusion south Small Caucasus. V. Ramazanov, N. Abbasov, S.Jafarov, R.Piriyev (Baku State University, 23, Z. Khalilov str. Baku, Azerbaijan.)
Copper- porphyry fieldess in the south Small Caucasus, (Ordubad and Dalidag ore regions in Mishano-Zangezur zone) are connected with intrusive complex (Megri-Ordubad plutonic which similar on composition of the sorts and age with Dalidag plutonian )mainly with their late granitic greenstone porphyry by phase. Besides, here known multiple polymetal field and metalliferous zones, a part from which links with these complex,but the other part with miocene - pliocene volcanoe - plutonic complex, presented mainly andezitesiss and andezit-dassetis. The Main geological particularity of this group field is concluded in that that, they contemporize to endocontact, exocontact or apical area ore medium intrusives.The Last is presented rods, dykes, as well as rod evidently and dyke evidently ody introduced in volcanic -sedimentary sorts. The Separate ore bodies shtook deposit, are checked by explosive breaches. Industrial copper- porphyritic mineralization to contemporize to zone these explosive breaches. Within south Small Caucasus stand out (Azadaliev Dzh.А. 1983;Azizbekov Sh.A., Gadzhiev T.G., Rustamov M.I. and dr.1961,1964; Babazade V.M., Ramazanov V.G., Masimov A.A., Abbasov N.A. 1986,1990,1993,2003) three types of the structures(four systems is conditioned), with which are bound shtook deposit: linear- indrawn breaches with area of their branching and interfacing; the places of the intersection large break and rift zones; the complex sidelong of the structure, formed as a result of intersection and interfacing lack of coordination break and thrusts with regional break. These types of the explosive structures check the accomodation an intrusive sorts, with which genetic and dimensionally are bound shtook copper- porphyry engine. The Sizes shtook different, but quite often reach hundreds metre in cross-sections and depth, in one often and same ore region (Ordubad), as well as in ore sex(Geygeli-Geydag, Shelale-Agyurt) meets industrial mineralishoin and radish and vein of the type. As a rule, area mineralishoin these types territorial disassociate, however in some cases radish of the zone at the depth are replaced the vein by types (Paragachay). Meets the veins by power several metres, tracking on extencive and on depth on a hundreds of the metres. With fascination of the depth role such veins increases(Shelale). In dependency from amount and interrelation main and admixture component these field pertains to kept golden copper and molybdenum- porphyry and carry golden molybdenum and copper- porphyry to types of ore. They represent complex ore and contains rare and absent-minded elements. The complex nature of ore in connection with greater scale fieldis gains particularly big industrial importance. The accompanyinging elements are sometimes distributed in separate zone ore tel or ore flap (Muradhanli, Munundara Ordubad ore region). Alongside with ore mineral, in construction biqvein take part and vein minerals as quartz, carbonate in subordinated amount meets serisit, xlorit, muskovit and etc. Possible do the more concrete findings about that that these field in the south Small Caucasus have a greater industrial prospect. |