Abstracts Travel
Program Organizing committee

The investigation of petorography, petrogensis and geochemical features of Kalabar Nephelin Synitic body, Kalabar, East-Azarbaijan

Rasoul Ferdowsi *1, Mohsen Moaiied1, Aminollah Kamali 1

1. Geology Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 51666, Iran.

*Corresponding author: Rasoul Ferdowsi

E-mail: Rasoul.Ferdowsi@yahoo.com


Kalabar nepheline syenitic body is located in East-Azabaijan, NW of Iran. This alkalic body generally intruded into Cretaceous and Eocene volcanic and sedimentary units. Based upon chemical classification, the composition of studied intrusive bodies are nepheline bearing syenite (nephelin synite), nepheline bearing gabro(alcalic gabro), syenite and quartz monzonite (syno-diorite) in order of abundance. Also the composition of accompanying dyke and pegmatitic units are nepheline syenite, syenodiorite and gabro. Common textures of studied rockes are prophyritic granular and granular and for accompanying dykes are fine grain granular, porphyritic and coars grain granular textures. According to mineralography studies and XRD analysis results, the main mineral phases encompass Orthoclase, Albite, Nepheline, Oligoclase, Hornblend, Ogite and Mellanite. The nature of parent magma of these intrusives are potassium rich alkaline, metaalumineous and miasitic. Petrography and geochemical studies based upon accessory and rare elements illustrate that these intrusives formed in a subduction or post collision related tectonic setting which their lithologic variety is justifiable by fractionation crystallization. Studied intrusives show the enrichment of Zn, Ba, Sr, Th and Pb and Co, Sr, Pb and V indicate enrichment in accompanying dykes. LREEs relative to HREEs show enrichment. Comparision of studied body with some other ones of corresponding type from the world in terms of the amount of accessory and rare elements shows that Kalabar nephelin syenitic body is resemble to central Anatoly (Turkey), Zijinshan (china) and Musale (India) bodies.


Key words: Nephelin syenite, Kalabar, Miaskitic, Potassium rich alkalan